A real Live Guy

A variation of igFest‘s Moosehunt came to Bristol yesterday in the form of Vodafone’s LiveGuy, his mission (which it looks like he accepted with eagerness): I’m travelling from the north to the south of Britain, laying down clues to my whereabouts. Your mission is to find me – and maybe even bag yourself a netbook.… Continue reading A real Live Guy

Dorkbot Bristol

Last night we gathered at the Pervasive Media Studio for the second in the Dorkbot Show’n’Tell series. Sam Downie gave us an introduction to life casting and some of the technologies he’s been using in his internet radio and video casting shows. There was also a large swag bag from the last MacWorld that Sam… Continue reading Dorkbot Bristol

MyBlogLog back, but for how long…

I’ve been a MyBlogLog community member since Dec ’06 and have the sidebar widget to personalise and put faces to visitors (at least those registered with MBL). In the last upgrade to WP2.5.1 the widget didn’t get turned back on so was missing. Then Google announced the launch of their FriendConnect (here on TechCrunch and… Continue reading MyBlogLog back, but for how long…

Categorised as Geek

Open Coffee launch details

I mentioned earlier on Twitter that I was hoping to confirm some additional support for Open Coffee, well Starbucks are getting behind us and offering free coffee, free muffins and free WiFi to attendees of Open Coffee at 9am Tuesday, 6 May. We’ll be downstairs at the Starbucks on Park Street (map). Kick off will… Continue reading Open Coffee launch details

Serious fun in Coventry, part the second

This is one of a serious of posts about the Culture, Heritage & Tourism Technology Workshop at the Serious Games Institute on Tues, 4 March. After coffee Ron Edwards (Ambient Performance) kicked things off talking about mobile & location based goodness. His ambition was to ‘Be where the eyeballs are’. The most recent project was… Continue reading Serious fun in Coventry, part the second

Bath Geek Meet

Big thanks to Joe for posting on Upcoming. The Raven in Bath was the venue, free wifi and good beer were the lubricants, and lively geek-focused discussion the order of the evening. Sam and James turned up to pitch in with all things mobile and infrastructure related (cheers for the lift home Sam). Brian Kelly… Continue reading Bath Geek Meet