Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) Univeristy of West of England Sam was approached by Dr Tim Moss of CAR to aid in the data entry and analysis of a newly developed scales designed to measure constructs within appearance schema. In particular ‘Salience’ and ‘Valence’ of Appearance. Sam was also tasked with aiding in the production of the validation manuscription prior to submission to a peer reviewed journal.
John worked with Tim Kindberg (MD, Matter 2 Media) to deliver a market analysis of Krstl their innovative new location service technology that can provide authenticated ‘loctcha’ information for site & venue owners. Examining several retail & leisure markets segments, John analysed the key features of each and provided Tim with a clear set of recommendations and identified potential joint-venture opportunities for developing his business.
John was approached by iShed to work with one of their Technology Strategy Board funded projects with AntiVJ. John met with Nico and Joanie to put together an overview of the project goals and outcomes. He then developed an exploitation plan that identified specific market opportunities, likely business models and next steps to realising the potential of the innovation.
“Really detailed and very useful next steps.” Clare Reddington; Director, iShed and The Pervasive Media Studio
Respiratory Research Unit Sam was approached by the Respiratory Research Unit to aid in the development of a computer template integrating care for COPD patients in Plymouth, and to oversee and coordinate the field testing of the template. Sam was also tasked to intiate and manage a series of translations of the LINQ (www.LINQ.org.uk or www.pms.ac.uk/linq).
Children with Learning Disabilties Sam was approached by Mrs Helen McLindon, Children’s Commissioner within Plymouth Teaching PCT to undertake a review and initial needs assessment for Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities in Plymouth. Sam conducted a review of the national and local frameworks and models of service delivery. From this a report was constructed with recommendations for service improvements in the short and long term.
Reduce rather than quit – A smokers perspective Prof Adrian Taylor is a Reader in Exercise and Health Psychology at the University of Exeter and leads the research and curriculum developments in sport and exercise psychology. Sam worked with Prof Taylor and Dr Rupert Jones to investigate the how receptive smokers may be to participating in a project aimed to encourage them to reduce their smoking rather then quitting. The driving force being that research evidence suggests that smokers who reduce are more likely to stop smoking long term.
Out-of -hours surgical provison Mr Pradeep Anand obtained funding to investigate the provision of ‘out-of-hours’ surgical cover within United Kingdom maxillofacial units. Sam was commissioned to identify appropriate personnel, and survey them as to their opinion as to their thoughts and feelings regarding the area of interest. The findings have been written up and submitted to the hospital trust for their consideration with proposal for changes in equipment provision.
IHAST Sam was employed as the clinical psychologist of the multidisciplinary team from Derriford hospital, which was one centre in a mulitnational research study investigating the effects of Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery (IHAST). This was a randomized control trial designed to determine the effectiveness of mild hypothermia on decreasing neurological deficits following aneurysm surgery.
NUMU is a highly successful youth music site run by Synergy Projects Ltd and funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation with support from the Arts Council, Music Manifesto and Young Enterprise. Their challenge was to transition the project from grant funded status to a sustainable operation. John worked with the MD and senior project team to develop their business plan and identify sources of revenue that were complementary to the project’s ethics of providing a safe space for schools and young people to share and experiment with their original compositions.
Management Process Systems (MPS) is a management services company that wanted to develop an innovative cost/value measurement methodology for their innovative online Contract Change Management (CCM) system. This would allow them to evaluate benefits and enable better service to customers. John worked with the company Directors to develop a costed, planned and achievable research project to deliver a complex business systems solution. The project was delivered with specific academic support from the University of the West of England (UWE) and funding from the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme. The two year project commenced in March 2006.
Gordon Morris Ltd helps people with impaired hearing to break ‘through the sound barrier’. We provide the tools that empower individuals to tackle deafness and allow organisations to reach hearing impaired people more effectively. As a small (under 50 employees) but growing business, Gordon needed to develop and embed a full, robust and innovative commercial and operational infrastructure, and attendant IT architecture, within his company.
“The sheer professionalism and high level of business support provided by John helped us identify the missing pieces of the business jigsaw puzzle. There’s no picture on the box to show you how your business should look and it’s easy to become inward facing, John introduced us to a new cosmopolitan outlook that we continue to embrace.” Gordon Morris, Founder & MD