For the last few days I’ve been playing a new game on my phone. Nothing exciting there really, games have been on phones since Snake (Sam was a master on her old Nokia 6110). The game itself isn’t that original either, basically it’s capture the flag. So why the title? Several years ago I was… Continue reading Bleedin’ vs Leading edge
Category: Mobile
What’s great about Bristol? Let me count the ways…
Ok, minor confession; I haven’t pulled this list together. Iain Gray (CEO, Technology Strategy Board) is a passionate champion of all UK technology & innovation, and he recently tweeted a list of technology and innovation examples from Bath & Bristol. Enjoy! [Update 1: Iain’s just dm’d me to say there are plenty more to follow,… Continue reading What’s great about Bristol? Let me count the ways…
Getting interactive around Bristol’s historic harbourside
Sam and I stopped by the Watershed yesterday to try out a new blend of storytelling and technology. Picking up our PDAs and donning in-ear headphones, we were invited to step back in time and experience a slice of Bristol circa 1885. Over the next 90 minutes we walked around the historic waterfront area (starting… Continue reading Getting interactive around Bristol’s historic harbourside
Of gifts and giving
Name a bizarre gift you received. Who gave it to you? What was the occasion? Did you regift it? Blogging, twittering, and the immensely low barrier to communications that these technologies provide is the bizarre gift I’d like to mention in this Plinky prompt. They’ve revolutionised the world of business development. The photo on the… Continue reading Of gifts and giving
A real Live Guy
A variation of igFest‘s Moosehunt came to Bristol yesterday in the form of Vodafone’s LiveGuy, his mission (which it looks like he accepted with eagerness): I’m travelling from the north to the south of Britain, laying down clues to my whereabouts. Your mission is to find me – and maybe even bag yourself a netbook.… Continue reading A real Live Guy
Education shaped & Bristol Fashion
Disclosure: This was originally published on TechCrunch UK, I’ve made some edits at the end in response to comment on TC, Underscore, Twitter etc. Its not all stovepipe hats and clay dogs in Bristol, these days its more location aware gaming, mobile media and building businesses. As a relative newcomer to the city (5yrs and… Continue reading Education shaped & Bristol Fashion
MoMo London – goin’ underground
Last night’s MoMo London was hosted by TFL and the presentations were on how technology was being used to the benefit travellers (almost exclusively in London, and largely on the underground). Dan Appelquist got in a quick plug for Over the Air with BBC Backstage and Imperial College – mobile hackathone over 4-5th April; aiming… Continue reading MoMo London – goin’ underground