In these straightened times, its a great opportunity to review your business processes & establish the foundations for the future. Never let a crisis go to waste. Rahm Emmanuel (via WSJ) Lean means taking a fundamental look at your business & driving out waste. Some of these wastes will be obvious (work in progress, re-work,… Continue reading How do you ‘lean’ a business?
Tag: systems
Social Media Systems (3)
(Update – Swapped Sam’s live UStream with Michael’s recorded YouTube) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). If you’re interested in the history of systems theory, General Systems Theory, Bertalanffy, et al, then my previous post touched on that, plus there… Continue reading Social Media Systems (3)
Social Media Systems (2)
(Update – swapped Sam’s live UStream with Michael’s recorded YouTube) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). If you’re interested in the history of systems theory, General Systems Theory, Bertalanffy, et al, then my previous post touched on that, plus there… Continue reading Social Media Systems (2)
Social Media Systems (1)
(Update – swapped Sam’s live UStream embed for Michael’s recorded YouTube embed) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). There are a couple of benefits of using something like systems theory when designing a social media system, plus a couple of… Continue reading Social Media Systems (1)
Blast from the Past
Unfortunately I can’t be at this months Brrism (sorry Micheal @kobb). However, one of the topics will be around ancient scrolls of wisdom (or anything over 5 years in Internet time). Which got me thinking about what I was up to 10 years ago. At the time I was a junior PhD researcher at the… Continue reading Blast from the Past