Improv concerts & what social media can learn from them

Yesterday evening I attended the live premier of a BBC Concert Orchestra & Festival of Nature commissioned concert. (Disclosure: Science City Bristol are sponsoring the Science Cafes @ Festival of Nature, but I’ve not been involved in this concert, other than attending.) The performance was in two halves; a short sequence of clips from the BBC… Continue reading Improv concerts & what social media can learn from them

Social Media Systems (3)

(Update – Swapped Sam’s live UStream with Michael’s recorded YouTube) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). If you’re interested in the history of systems theory, General Systems Theory, Bertalanffy, et al, then my previous post touched on that, plus there… Continue reading Social Media Systems (3)

Social Media Systems (2)

(Update – swapped Sam’s live UStream with Michael’s recorded YouTube) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). If you’re interested in the history of systems theory, General Systems Theory, Bertalanffy, et al, then my previous post touched on that, plus there… Continue reading Social Media Systems (2)

Social Media Systems (1)

(Update – swapped Sam’s live UStream embed for Michael’s recorded YouTube embed) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). There are a couple of benefits of using something like systems theory when designing a social media system, plus a couple of… Continue reading Social Media Systems (1)

Brrism – Social Media in Bristol

Always a good evening, the next Brrism looks to be a real barnstormer (6.30pm on Wednesday 20 Jan in the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol). There promises to be some great presentations on social media tools (Colin Rainsforth, twitter) and the fine line between time management & time wasting (Lee Cottier, twitter) but I’m guessing the… Continue reading Brrism – Social Media in Bristol

Social Media – Recommend something

Recommend: to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably This is possibly the hardest stage and the one that most often introduces cognitive dissonance. You spend the time establishing rapport, building your understanding, demonstrating your understanding and expertise, at some point you need to recommend a solution. Obviously you want to… Continue reading Social Media – Recommend something

Social Media – establishing Rapport

Rapport: relation; connection, esp. harmonious or sympathetic relation This is ostensibly the easy bit of social media; the ‘friending’ act is usually straight forward and simple and isn’t the whole point of “social media” to be, well social? As is often the case the answer is “Yes, but… I think that the difference is between… Continue reading Social Media – establishing Rapport

Social Media; what is it good for?

Specifically, how can we build business value using social media in all its forms. Lots of smart folk have been discussing the business models (esp Alan Patrick, Seth Godin, Fred Wilson, and Sean Park) and the use of social media (esp danah boyd, Chris Brogan, Tara Hunt, and our own Nigel Legg), you could even check… Continue reading Social Media; what is it good for?

Shifting sands of conversation

Normally I’d be sat here writing up tonight’s event in the Watershed featuring the Pervasive Media Sandbox mid-term report / presentation thing. But I’ve already done that on Twitter. In fact there were at least 2 others twittering (@iamdanw & @sammachin) and I suspect a few others as well. The inimitable Scoble has noted that… Continue reading Shifting sands of conversation