How to be more innovative

Innovation is generally held to be a “good thing”. Companies that are innovative or that produce innovative products are lauded with praise, awards, not to mention investment funding. Innovative individuals are highly sought after and richly rewarded. So how can we be more innovative, in our personal and corporate lives? Find new ideas Most of… Continue reading How to be more innovative

Social Media – Recommend something

Recommend: to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably This is possibly the hardest stage and the one that most often introduces cognitive dissonance. You spend the time establishing rapport, building your understanding, demonstrating your understanding and expertise, at some point you need to recommend a solution. Obviously you want to… Continue reading Social Media – Recommend something

Social Media – Demonstrate your skillz

Demonstrate: to make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning; to describe, explain, or illustrate by examples, specimens, experiments Now is the time to join the conversation. Relate to your audience, demonstrate that you understand their world and needs. Demonstrate that you are an authentic person not just a marketing drone. This is where a… Continue reading Social Media – Demonstrate your skillz

Show me the Money – BSSP

In my earlier post, I revealed some analysis that I’d asked Nigel to undertake and my interpretation of that analysis. Here I offer some thoughts on what actions businesses might take away from this. The first thing to note is that unless you’re a Bank or car company, Government support for you probably won’t change… Continue reading Show me the Money – BSSP

Hidden Innovation in the Creative Industries

Uploaded on June 26, 2008 by Phil Hawksworth Yesterday was spent in Manchester at the NESTA launch of their latest report (pdf not live yet) into innovation in the Creative Industries. From a broad reading of the report, it seems to largely reflect last year’s report that much innovation in industry isn’t recorded in official… Continue reading Hidden Innovation in the Creative Industries