This is an age old problem for the company starting out (or indeed growing rapidly). Obviously a complete lack of top-notch people or abject poverty are both unlikely to lead to success.
But where should your focus be?
This recent piece from Startup Professionals Musing comes down pretty firmly on the people side of the argument. Even with all theĀ caveatsĀ about being a US review of investing, the broad findings are valid here in the UK as anywhere else.
With that in mind what can you do?
Well you should get out and meet people that will either be those high quality people, or know them and can introduce you. Make yourself known to the local University incubator teams, go along to your local Open Coffee such as <shameless self-promotion>Open Coffee Bristol</ss-p>, try searching Google for <your town> entrepreneur / startup / etc.
Or go to one of the events specifically put on to help bring growing companies together with exactly the right kind of people to help the do even better.
One such event is the Angel News ‘Pitching for Management not Money’. <Disclosure; I promised Modwenna I’d help promote the event but there’s no financial return to me, and the tickets for this first event are free anyway!> The first of these events outside London (in partnership with Intramezzo and Boulevard) is taking place on Monday 28 Sept at the Smith & Williamson offices in Bristol. Sponsorship from Burges Salmon and Business Link means the tickets for both businesses and prospective executives are free.
If you’re not already registered with Angel News there are a couple of links below to sign up for this event, hope to see you there.