One of the great things about advising a Young Enterprise start-up company (at least in my experience) is the total enthusiasm and energy. Undirected energy is just noise and can turn destructive. That’s why even in the most chaotic and creative meetings, you still need an agenda and focus.
The main focus today was to pick a name for the company, half a dozen were thrown up, several vocal discussions ensued (including a mobile phone conference call with the other MD and 4 other Directors that couldn’t make the meeting due to school commitments). They did pick a name – Green with Envy – but may decide to change it before they register with Young Enterprise. There were a couple other very good names in the mix so they have plenty of material to work with.
They also (mostly) settled on four product lines that they can align with their environmental / ecological / recycling ethic.
I was caught out when the MD announced that they’d identified a company in Cornwall that would plant trees on their behalf to off-set any carbon emitted in the course of their business. Fantastic and very true to their business ideals.
A short discussion around the Christmas disco and when they can start selling shares to raise money (after they’ve registered) and the meeting was closed within 5 mins of the scheduled time. Very nicely managed.