Really good turn out at this morning’s Open Coffee with plenty of new faces and old friends. Sam Machin and Tom O’Neil both back after recent breaks, Sam even took time out from his Honeymoon to find an incubation centre in Dublin next to the Guinness factory so he could report back to us, that’s dedication (or at least that’s what he told us, mind you he also showed up with a brand new Acer sub-notebook).
New faces included Simon Jacobson, Joel, Melissa Kidd and Peter Livingstone.
Craig and I had a chance to catch up and agree some ideas to push Carrotmob Bristol forward a bit more and he also took the opportunity to show their latest mobile video project with Anglia Ruskin university providing a video map of the campus.
Peter, Tom, Matt Anderson and I had a good catch up on business confidence from our various perspectives. While a couple of industries have seen a down turn (or at least a hesitation) there are still plenty of growing technology businesses and great opportunities out there.
All of which bodes well for those starting and growing their businesses, and for those of us supporting them.
Apologies to those that I didn’t get to talk to but I’m greatly heartened that more people are turning up than I can network with in 90min (which is saying something). Thanks to everyone for supporting Open Coffee and look forward to seeing you all (and your colleagues, business partners, etc) at the next Open Coffee on 12 August.
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