New company launch

Another year, another Young Enterprise company starts up.

I’m acting as a Business Adviser for Colston’s Girls School again this year. Quite a large group of nearly 20 gathering after school to discuss their new venture. The usual chaos slowly subsided as roles were discussed and assigned.

Despite the best efforts of their link teacher to hold impartial voting for places, they pretty much conspired to agree the roles that would suit everyone and share the load. Fantastic stuff, taking charge from the outset. About half way in the teacher and I retired to the back of the classroom and handed over to the girls (lobbing in the odd pointer and clarification to keep them on track).

Things got a bit more chaotic again when they started to throw out ideas for products and services. What quickly emerged was a strong environmental and recycling ethic, which also ties in with their school’s new specialism as a soon-to-be Academy. Or perhaps is because of the School’s focus, either way it’s a great over arching ethic that allows lots of product ranges and opportunities within a consistent marketing message.

They didn’t finalise the product range, very sensible as they haven’t done any market research yet, or company name. Have to leave something for next week!

One comment

  1. Hi,

    I’m a Young Enterprise Ambassador based in North Staffordshire – an ex-achiever turned mentor for companies in our area.

    Best of luck this year with your/their company, let me know how it goes.


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