Bit slow off the mark on this post but it’s been a busy couple of days.
We had a really good morning on Tuesday with new faces and new coffee to try. Jack had popped up from the Temple Meads branch of Starbucks to mix some fresh brew for us using their Organic Ethiopian blend together with some cinnamon pastries to bring out the spicy aroma and flavours. We hope to have Jack back with his coffee tasting table.
Over the fresh coffee a couple of new faces joined the familiar ones. A twitter link brought Rick Hurst along for the first time. We also welcomed Jamie Dyer all the way from Plymouth and only just back from Canada, kudos! Just as I was leaving I saw Jamie and Mark Paney deep in discussion and it sounds like there could be another partnership arising from OpenCoffee, great stuff!
It was also good to see Peter Livingston, Tom O’Neil and Nick Sturge along providing the professional business services side of things.
Joel Huges was also along having developed his platform but missed the Seedcamp deadline. Have to see if there is a business development / funding opportunity there, hopefully there’ll be something to demo shortly.
Chris Garrett & Craig Hellen from BexMedia were along as was Rachel Carney; apologies to anyone I missed.
The next OpenCoffee will be on 26 August, from 8.30am at Starbucks on Park St as usual. See you there.
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