Peter was quick to point out to those in the audience from academia that he wasn’t doing ‘proper AI’, this was a game and he was interested in results. Most games don’t care about the player; Peter asked if you can feel loved by a game? In part he proposed achieving this through a great… Continue reading Enterprising Games – Peter Molyneux Keynote discussion
Author: John Bradford
Enterprising Games – Introducing Second Life to Your Business
mobile notes – detail to follow Introducing Second Life to Your Business – Lead by David Burden, Daden Ltd. David is running a very interesting operation providing consultancy on using Second Life as a place for professional meetings, training and business. In a fast paced and changing space, David is providing a balance of entrepreneurship… Continue reading Enterprising Games – Introducing Second Life to Your Business
Enterprising Games – Social Media
Social Media – Join the Revolution; lead by Ron Edwards, Ambient Performance. I met Ron at a Futurelab Research Update event last year where he was showing off his Gizmondo and it’s ability to use the camera to resolve relative movement indoors. The result was a convincing AR experience that could have very cool serious… Continue reading Enterprising Games – Social Media
WordPress rocks
Ok, not the most insightful blog post title/topic but having seen the WP2.2.1 upgrade a couple days ago, and remembering the weirdness I had with my config.php I was putting the whole thing off. Anyway, just downloaded the new files, followed the 5 Step upgrade – and low, the blog is upgraded. Now to go… Continue reading WordPress rocks
Chinwag Big Summer Party
I’m going, are you? I first saw the news that this was happening on Sam’s Vecosys blog and signed up right away. Things seem to be gathering momentum and the event promises to be huge. -Updated title-
Killer productivity tool
OK, this is coloured significantly because I’m currently working with a company in Canada, not strictly a start-up since they’ve been going 3 years (and not strictly working as I’m not getting paid, as Sam keeps reminding me 🙂 ). That time has been the founder boot-strapping his way towards the point where there’s a… Continue reading Killer productivity tool
Canadian start up story
This is a cross post from my personal blog John’s Musings. Things have been a bit quiet on the blog front, haven’t even been tagging so much on mainly because two new projects has rather taken up a lot of time. The first was setting up a new company jbsh LLP that actually took… Continue reading Canadian start up story
Entrepreneurial support
Pretty much since leaving University I’ve been involved in supporting business change, either from within or as an external agent. Universities have always been pretty central to that change process (either as sources of innovation and entrepreneurial activity, or as expertise engines to support change in businesses). More recently I’ve become increasingly interested in the… Continue reading Entrepreneurial support
We are incorporated
Just got the official letter in the post. jbsh Limited Liability Partnership (Partnership Number OC328773) is incorporated this day 04 June 2007. Now to read the 75 booklet on the Act and filing, accounts, etc… 🙂