Social Media Systems (1)

(Update – swapped Sam’s live UStream embed for Michael’s recorded YouTube embed) This is an expansion on my Brrism talk on Systems Theory and how it can be applied to social media (systems). There are a couple of benefits of using something like systems theory when designing a social media system, plus a couple of… Continue reading Social Media Systems (1)

The performance of junior doctors in applying clinical pharmacology knowledge and prescribing skills to standardised clinical cases

I have recently submitted a thesis for a masters of philosphy, entitled: The Design and Validation of assessment tools for use with Junior Doctors in Applying Clinical Pharmacology.  Part of this work has been written up and will be published in the next edition (June 2010) of the peer reviewed academic journal British Journal of… Continue reading The performance of junior doctors in applying clinical pharmacology knowledge and prescribing skills to standardised clinical cases

Fresh coffee & Opportunities

Well it’s been quiet externally for jbsh the last couple of months but there’s been plenty going on. This post is a cross-post from Open Coffee Bristol where we welcomed in the New Year this morning. Well 2010 kicked off in the UK with snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures and general chaos as public services ground… Continue reading Fresh coffee & Opportunities

Brrism – Social Media in Bristol

Always a good evening, the next Brrism looks to be a real barnstormer (6.30pm on Wednesday 20 Jan in the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol). There promises to be some great presentations on social media tools (Colin Rainsforth, twitter) and the fine line between time management & time wasting (Lee Cottier, twitter) but I’m guessing the… Continue reading Brrism – Social Media in Bristol

Clinical Assessment Tools need to be user friendly

Doctor-Patient contact time is vitally important for diagnosis and treatment.  To aid doctors thousands of ‘tools’ have been developed for use in various fields of medical practice.  But as new technology (including physical assessment and validated questionnaires) is introduced assessment tools become redundent and others are introduced. However technological advances tend to be expensive and… Continue reading Clinical Assessment Tools need to be user friendly

New Perspectives – Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa always inclined?

Recently I posted about an area of research I am interested in and mentioned that we were going to Pisa to present the results at the European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference. I jokingly asked if Psychology could help the leaning tower and we concluded that the research I was offering up for scrutiny probably wouldn’t. However the… Continue reading New Perspectives – Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa always inclined?

Social Media – Recommend something

Recommend: to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably This is possibly the hardest stage and the one that most often introduces cognitive dissonance. You spend the time establishing rapport, building your understanding, demonstrating your understanding and expertise, at some point you need to recommend a solution. Obviously you want to… Continue reading Social Media – Recommend something

Social Media – Demonstrate your skillz

Demonstrate: to make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning; to describe, explain, or illustrate by examples, specimens, experiments Now is the time to join the conversation. Relate to your audience, demonstrate that you understand their world and needs. Demonstrate that you are an authentic person not just a marketing drone. This is where a… Continue reading Social Media – Demonstrate your skillz

Social Media – build Understanding

Understand: to perceive what is meant; to accept tolerantly or sympathetically This is the sage advice about having two ears and only one mouth, listen to what is going on. Even if you already have a very strong market leading brand; before you wade in, listen and observe (lurk in the parlance). The social norm’s… Continue reading Social Media – build Understanding